Thursday, August 22, 2013


Monday, December 17, 2012

The rope swings and I let go.
The water surrounds me and I continue to sink.
Down, down, down.
I open my eyes and see darkness.
A foreign substance touching my eyes.
Seaweed trying to tickle my legs.
But I know I'll be okay.
It's just water.
I know that when you go in water, you come out.
That's how it usually is.
And it's okay cause I know how things should be.
How things are supposed to be.
But what happens when things aren't that way?
And I don't start to come up as soon as I'm used to?
What then?
A new plan.
I'd need a new plan.
And I have different ones prepared out in my head.
But sometimes even those don't work.
Sometimes you have to come up with new ones on the spot and hope for the best.
That's where I'm at.
Puzzle pieces fitting here and there but they can never find the whole picture.

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